Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ebola. We almost had a chance to stop panicking.

I love Saturday mornings! It’s just a few minutes past 6 a.m., Sam is on his way to McDonald’s to buy me a Sausage McMuffin and I’m parked at my desk working on a Howdygram post because THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING TO DO not counting long naps, eating things and insulin injections. (I might be kidding about that last one.)

The big news in Dallas this week? Nina Pham — the nurse who treated Thomas Eric Duncan at Presbyterian Hospital and caught Ebola — is back home after being cured at the National Institute of Health. And her co-worker Amber Vinson is also Ebola-free and has been transferred out of isolation at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. This is a very huge hoo-hah and could have been a clear signal for panicky Americans to call a halt to their collective nervous breakdown and conspiracy theories ... except now THERE’S AN INFECTED DOCTOR IN NEW YORK — Craig Spencer, a card-carrying idiot — who returned from West Africa on October 17 not feeling very well but still decided why not ride all over town on the subway jammed up against as many people as possible, jog through a public park, shop for groceries, fondle produce, dine out with friends a few times and go bowling. Unfortunately, FIVE DAYS LATER HE SHOWS UP AT BELLEVUE HOSPITAL WITH EBOLA.
Craig Spencer even looks like an idiot. Does this licensed doctor have any clue what he did? HOW THE HELL DO YOU QUARANTINE THE ENTIRE CITY OF NEW YORK? Shit.

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