Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mazel tov, America. You elected the government you deserve.

I’m really sleepy but I thought I’d squeeze out one more quick Howdygram post before I finally go to bed. Since yesterday was Election Day, my first order of business will be obvious.
Holy mother of crap. The GOP managed to pull off an incredible public relations coup while promoting themselves for the last six years as clueless, racist assholes . Face it, people ... THERE’S NO FUCKING WAY Republicans should be running both houses of Congress and the majority of states and state legislatures because their policies are appalling, mean-spirited, insulting and detrimental for the majority of Americans. But the GOP definitely convinced voters otherwise, and they won by spreading fear, hatred and outright bullshit. For instance:
  • President Obama is secretly bringing his infected African relatives into America to give everybody Ebola, put us all in FEMA camps, take away our guns and cancel the 2016 presidential election.
  • President Obama is a communist from Kenya. His Hawaiian birth certificate was a forgery.
  • President Obama never went to Harvard because he won’t produce his transcripts.
  • Michelle Obama is a transgender man and her daughters were purchased in Angola.
  • Because President Obama refuses to protect our borders, ISIS terrorists are sneaking into Texas from Mexico ... disguised as Mexicans.
  • Christians are being persecuted for their faith because public schools teach science.
  • Birth control causes abortions.

Yes, I’m pissed. And I’ll say no more on the subject tonight because I’m dangerously close to a brain hemorrhage.

Sometime this week I’ll be sending Sam back to our local Dollar Tree for a bunch of cheap yet tasty products for our pantry. These include two kinds of canned soup, very nice jars of mushrooms and Del Monte sloppy Joe sauce. I also want to try a three-liter bottle of their store brand diet cola — THREE LITERS FOR A BUCK! — just for the hell of it, to find out if I like the flavor. Plus this would be way cheaper than buying Coke Zero, which costs us 99¢ for two liters when it’s on sale.
I think I’ll go to bed now.

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