Monday, July 14, 2014

Bon soir and happy Bastille Day!

Bon soir from le Howdygramme! Have y’all ever heard of the French Revolution? On this day in 1789 thousands of pissed-off, poorly-dressed and semi-inebriated French peasants stormed the Bastille to liberate suffering croisssants and arrest Marie Antoinette (pictured at left), an entitled twat in a bad wig who thought everybody should eat cake, including political prisoners with diabetes.

In case you’re interested, I enjoyed my own private celebration this evening by ordering dinner from China City since nobody in Texas delivers onion soup or low-carb baguettes. Vive la France! LET THEM EAT EGG ROLLS!

I’m kind of surprised that TCM didn’t show Charles Dickens’ A Tale of  Two Cities (1935) today starring Ronald Colman, Edna May Oliver and Basil Rathbone. There’s no finer way to commemorate July 14 than by watching a lot of beheadings with background music.

We’re having weather today. I woke up from my nap this afternoon serenaded by real thunderstorms — with REAL RAIN! — and there are still storms all around the area as I write this post with a 100% chance for more overnight. That sound you hear in the distance is a big fat yee-haw from your friends in drought-stricken Texas. The red star on the following map indicates Howdygram headquarters.
Thank you for reading this and au revoir.

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