Sunday, June 15, 2014

Morons walk among us and tomorrow I get to scream at several of them on the phone.

It’s Sunday night, 10 p.m., and I’ve had a full and satisfying Father’s Day filled with snacks, insulin injections and a pair of memorable extended naps that practically guarantee I’ll never be able to fall sleep tonight. But I’m willing to bet nobody cares. (Not even me. I love all-nighters.)

Sam had a full day today, too, gallavanting around southern California with assorted relatives. Events included breakfast with his mom at her assisted living facility in Sherman Oaks, everybody going to our niece Anna’s matinee ballet recital at the Alex Theater in Glendale and then out for dinner, although I’m not exactly sure exactly who went out to eat or where. If I find out I’ll let you know. In the meantime, however, the following map indicates: A) where Sam is staying this week at the family homestead in North Hollywood; B) the Alex Theater in Glendale; and C) mom’s assisted living facility in Sherman Oaks. Not pictured: Disneyland.
My week is beginning to take shape. Morons walk among us, people, and tomorrow I get to scream at several of them on the phone! These will include:
  1. The morons at who screwed us up on Thursday by changing the server designations for our three email accounts for no reason whatsoever and then decided to OVERCHARGE ME for their never-ending clusterfuck of mistakes. 
  2. The morons at the Mesquite post office annex in Garland, Texas, who were supposed to begin holding our mail three days ago ... EXCEPT THEY DIDN’T. (We always have our mail held when Sam is out of town because I can’t walk to our mailbox at the curb.) When Sam got home from work Friday night he said there was mail in the box, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Saturday’s mail is in there, too.
  3. The morons who delivered our new boxed set of cheesy 1950s sci-fi DVDs [see previous post] from Amazon today but dropped off the package at the WRONG ADDRESS in the WRONG CITY. According to USPS tracking information (see below) it’s somewhere in Sachse, Texas. Holy crap.
I think I need a snack and a movie now. Thank you for paying attention.

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