Friday, June 27, 2014

Heckle & Jeckle’s dirty little secrets.

This is pure “click bait,” everybody, mostly because a post I wrote for the original Howdygram back in March 2012 is consistently the highest-ranking search topic that I get week after week after week so I thought I’d try to drum up the same level of traffic for my new NOT BEIGE Howdygram 2. Everybody searches for Heckle & Jeckle. EVERYBODY. And this includes Howdygram readers from all over the United States plus  South Korea, Canada, France, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Tasmania and Tibet. So here they are again, the sarcastic animated magpies first introduced by Terrytoons in 1946:

For the record and in case you give a crap, Heckle & Jeckle only called each other by name in two or three cartoons at the most, but whenever they did Heckle was the one with the Brooklyn accent and the English accent belonged to Jeckle.

In other news ... I have a headache, it looks like rain (but it won’t), I’ve got a craving for pickles & biscuits and my new iced tea spoons are being delivered today. I ordered them a few days ago from Amazon — a set of eight — for the outrageously low price of $6.99.
It occurs to me that I’m barely receiving any email, and this is possibly the best thing that’s ever happened to me except for marrying Sam and being retired finally. Last week I shut down my email account and decided NOT to give my new address to the four billion pests who consistently sent me ads, deals, donation requests, announcements, news feeds and special offers. I’m actually INTENSELY HAPPY not knowing what’s on sale at Kirkland’s, the latest right-wing outrage on Raw Story or that Wendy Davis needs even more dough for her political campaign. Discontinuing an email account is the best way EVER to break an irritating routine and I highly recommend it to all of you.

By the way, if you need my new email address please use the Howdygram’s contact page to send me a message. Thank you.

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