Monday, October 28, 2019

Nobody likes stingy pot roast.

I can’t figure out what else to do for entertainment right now so I guess I’ll get started on another Howdygram post. It’s a few minutes past midnight on Sunday morning, Sam is in bed, and I don’t feel like watching a movie, reading the national news, designing greeting cards for The Howdygram Store, answering email or staring at the fireplace … which happens to be the only available view from my hospital bed in the family room. I suppose I should warn you that I’m recovering from another miserable bedpan ordeal (don’t ask) and I’m not really feeling particularly upbeat or cheerful. Deal with it. I promise to do my best not to drag you down or irritate you, okay?

Also impacting my mood is another round of digestive issues, including an upset stomach, nonstop “churning,” stomach pressure and the need to belch. Actually, I haven’t eaten for quite some time because I’m afraid I’ll throw up. So I just lie here feeling COMPLETELY MISERABLE.

I’ve got a teeny sprinkling of free fonts for you today even though “Frambuesa” is a substantial sans serif family of seven weights and seven coordinating italics with lots of alternate character styles, and “Baro” is a chic layered display font (I love layered fonts!) with several very cool style options. You’ll find download links after the graphic in case you want any or all of these for your personal collection.

Thought I’d share some fabulous new digital background textures that I snagged a few hours ago! The Pink Bubblegum, Denim and Silver Bling collections came from — two were on sale for only 39¢ each — and the Abstract Landscapes were freebies from Creative Market. Inexpensive and/or freecdesign assets like these inject lots of excitement (and adrenalin!) into my creative processes. For instance, all of a sudden I want to design a few dozen new iPhone cases. Woo-hoo!

Know what? I think it’s time to begin reviewing some of the new frozen foods I ordered from Wal-Mart last week! I’ll start with one of my favorites so far … Wal-Mart’s store brand frozen BEEF POT ROAST WITH VEGETABLES, which is awfully tasty and could actually pass for homemade maybe. The veggies — potatoes, carrots and celery — are very good, the beef is tender enough for an old coot like yours truly even with dental difficulties (due to a lack of adequate chewing teeth), and the gravy is very flavorful and not salty at all. Plus … there’s enough in the package to feed two people if you throw in a salad, a relish tray, appetizers, a few crusty dinner rolls and your choice of dessert.

I’m pleased to award GREAT VALUE BEEF POT ROAST WITH REAL VEGETABLES with the Howdygram’s four-chopper rating. It could have qualified for all five choppers if the package contained a little more meat. (Nobody likes stingy pot roast.)

So let’s discuss what’s going on around here this week …

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY. My hospice C.N.A., Leticia, just finished up my Monday bathing and hygiene session, and she’ll be back on Wednesday and Friday for more of the same. Today we had to treat all the overly-sensitive skin (I’m prone to heat rashes) on my back and butt to prevent severe itching and eventual pressure sores. Sometimes it’s a losing battle, but we do the best we can. Leticia always uses an anesthetic barrier cream and a medicated powder. Together they make it almost tolerable to lie here motionless 24 hours a day.

THURSDAY. Sharon, my hospice L.V.N., will be here on Thursday along with Martha, the hospice’s Director of Nursing, to change my catheter. Apparently this is a group activity now. (Maybe I should sell tickets and invite the neighbors.)

FRIDAY. Friday is my 68th birthday. There’s still plenty of time to ship your cards and gifts, so please click here to request our mailing address.

Thank you for reading this, and please try to remember the Alamo tonight after you floss.

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