Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I’d rather risk an arrest for felony tax evasion than have my 1040 prepared at Wal-Mart.

Let’s clear up one pending mystery from the get-go: Taking my blood pressure medication in the morning instead of bedtime IS A VERY, VERY SHITTY IDEA. Dr. M thought the change might alleviate some of my sleeplessness at night (I added three new prescriptions a couple of weeks ago) but this is NOT working out very well. For the last eight hours I’ve been whiny, miserable, jittery, gaspy, crabby, achy, angry, despondent, surly and NOT HAPPY AT ALL. I’d rather not sleep at night ever again than spend my days feeling like THIS!

If you ever needed a reason NOT to have your taxes done by a well-trained “professional” in your local Wal-Mart store, here it is ... a classic example of Jackson Hewitt’s high-quality service in action. The tax preparer is the heavy-set woman in yellow screaming “YO MAMA’S A BITCH, BITCH!” and “SHE CAME HERE MESSIN’ WIF ME! I’M AT WORK!” and the customer is the poor girl getting her hair ripped out on the floor. Frankly, I’d rather risk an arrest for felony tax evasion than have my 1040 prepared at Wal-Mart. Holy shit.

For your possible interest, the tax preparer was fired and the customer was banned from ever shopping in that suburban Houston Wal-Mart store again. A happy ending for everybody!

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