Saturday, August 4, 2018

Today’s little gang includes useful scripts, pleasant display fonts and a cute collection of ice cream dingbats.

Happy Friday afternoon, boys and girls, and welcome to my second post of the day! I just finished up a late afternoon appointment with my hospice R.N., Stella, who stopped by to see if I’m making any progress with my urinary tract infection (answer: YES), are the antibiotics working (answer: YOU BETCHA) and when was the last time I pooped (answer: WHOA, NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS). She also checked my vital signs (blood pressure: 116/60), and then we confirmed a date for my next catheter change (August 23). Whew. On top of that, my hospice C.N.A. was here this morning for a bath (for me, obviously) and also for a therapeutic foot rub to remove some dead flaky skin. It’s definitely been hectic around here today.

It’s 7 p.m., Sam and I just finished dinner, and we’re watching The Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) starring Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray and fast-talking Glenda Farrell in a scary, creepy movie that features an early method of pink-tinted Technicolor. Fortunately, I’m comfortable enough at my desk right now to sit here for another couple of hours. Hang out with me for a while, okay?

Lionel Atwill and Fay Wray in “The Mystery of the Wax Museum.”

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Illegitimate President Donald J. Trump is at it again … inflating himself full of hot air so everybody will think he’s the biggest cheese in town. Yesterday in Florida at an “Everybody Loves Donald” rally — probably paid for by the American people — he announced: “Wow, Donald Trump has the highest poll numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan!” Please note, however, that “poll numbers” didn’t exist in the 1860s, and there’s no way Donald Trump could ever be more popular than Ronald Reagan unless he was flattened by a city bus alongside Eric, Don Junior and Ivanka. What a pathetic excuse for a human being … and a stain on the United States of America!

Having just consumed a considerable quantity of Morphine — both extended release and liquid — in addition to my evening dose of Norco, I thought it might be a kick to embark on one of my favorite Howdygram features: FABULOUS FREE FONTS! Today’s little gang includes useful scripts, pleasant display fonts and a cute collection of ice cream dingbats. Download links will appear after the graphic for your possible interest. (FYI, the font “Little Star” is included in the same download file as “Bottomline.”) Don’t forget to share with your friends and relatives!

It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’ve got a craving. I just realized that I’d love a can of Chef Boyardee Mac & Cheese ... but Sam is in bed so there’s nobody available to bring me anything whatsoever from the kitchen, even if it’s just a couple of napkins or a few more ice cubes. He usually doesn’t sleep past 2:30 a.m., though, so I won’t have to hold out too much longer.

Thank you for reading this and happy Saturday morning to you and yours!

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