Saturday, April 27, 2019

At 4 a.m. I asked Sam for rye bread and butter, which I regurgitated half an hour later.

I’m sad to report that our intensely popular Hat of the Day feature ended at 3 p.m. Friday due to finally running out of idiotic millinery. Hat #7 appears below in case your short-term memory sucks as much as mine does.

Wednesday was another day from hell. After my hospice R.N. needed four less-than-welcome attempts to insert a new catheter (I guess my my urethra went missing) I spent the rest of the day moaning in a pitch black room with nausea, vomiting and a monstrous 11-hour migraine headache that included actual sore spots on my head. It even hurt to move my eyeballs. Finally, at 4 a.m. I asked Sam for rye bread and butter, which I regurgitated half an hour later. Then I just cried myself to sleep.

The hospice sent over prescription-strength Ibuprofen and Tylenol (1000 mg each) and told me to eat an orange after I take the pills. I’ve never heard of a treatment like this for migraines … but it worked! (Note: Oranges are a nice touch. I love oranges!)
We have no idea what triggered the migraine/vomiting/crying hoo-hah, because if we had, we might have figured out a way to prevent that fucking headache from creeping back yesterday for a repeat performance. I’m just thankful it wasn’t as miserable as the day before, because I was finally able to eat a mug of soup and two Popsicles for lunch without puking. NOT PUKING IS A VERY GOOD THING. (Jesus. What a ridiculous sentence.)

Fast-forward to Friday evening, and I’m trying to drink as much iced tea as possible because I must be seriously dehydrated by now. If this ever becomes an Olympic event I’d qualify for Team USA in a heartbeat.

I only have five free fonts for you tonight, but I think they’re all terrific … most of them with all kinds of swashy things and alternate characters, the kind of options that make them versatile and inspirational for bedridden greeting card designers like yours truly. Incidentally, “Majesta” and “Jemmy” were from a bundle of 151 fonts. These were the only two I wanted for my collection, but you might like many or all of the others. As always, download links will be included after the graphic.

And now for some free background textures and stupid clipart. I’m highly excited about the 20 seamless paper textures (that’s how we roll around here!) but less than enthusiastic about the idiotic drawings of overweight women showing off their fruits and vegetables. Please shoot me an email if any of these interest you and I’ll be glad to send the zip files.

It’s almost 2 a.m., and I think I’d better publish this post and get back to my new greeting card designs. I’ve been working on two of them for the last couple of days; as soon as I get the artwork uploaded to The Howdygram Store I want to start my new collections of Christmas cards, decorated mason jars, throw pillows and coffee mugs. Woo-hoo!

Please don’t feel pressured to remember the Alamo just because I occasionally suggest it. You are in no way obligated to do this unless you absolutely and positively want to. Seriously.

Thank you for reading this.

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