Sunday, January 12, 2020

Achy, Poopy, Droopy, Drippy, Crappy, Pishy and Blecch. Meet the new Seven Dwarfs!

I’m unwell. That’s a perfect word to describe the overall condition of my health! It’s early Saturday afternoon, and I’ve been unwell all day today. After a 14-hour nap: 1) I’m freezing cold and shivering; 2) my muscles and joints are killing me; 3) my arms are so stiff I can barely move them; 4) I can’t stop peeing; 5) I ache; 6) I’ve got a recurring case of indigestion and zero appetite; 7) my hair, head and neck are soaking wet from the aftermath of an apparently substantial fever; and 8) I can’t think of anything else, and I don’t want to. (My head hurts.)

I’ve started uploading my artwork for The Howdygram Store’s snazzy new iPhone cases. Check out the sampler below (being modeled by the new iPhone 11) and the list of descriptions. FYI, each of these cases is available in multiple color choices.

Plus … I’m also working on a few new greeting card designs, a few more mugs and a pile of new throw pillows. I promise to post pictures here as soon as the products are available online, okay?

1.  Purple and gold foil antique Victorian bayou abstract.
2.  Red, blue and yellow modern art with red foil.
3.  Soft green foil and triple-row diamond bling.
4.  Red denim, red leather and diamond bling.
5.  Luxe dark brown foil with diamonds.
6.  Aqua, green and turquoise agate.

Right now it’s mid-day Sunday, Sam is on his way to Wal-Mart to pick up a few essentials for the fridge and pantry — oh boy! rye bread! — and I’m waiting patiently for him to get home because I’m ready for lunch. I want chicken lunch meat on rye with mayo and a couple of bread and butter pickles. (Fabulous, right? Don’t be jealous.) This will be the highlight of my day, however, as I’m feeling lousy again … ACHY, POOPY, DROOPY, DRIPPY, CRAPPY, PISHY AND BLECCH.

Ooh! Did I just invent new names for the Seven Dwarfs? (Hi ho, hi ho …)

So it’s 2020, 10 p.m. on Sunday night, and we’re launching another new week. Here’s a brief rundown on what’s coming up, in case you’re interested.

BATHING AND HYGIENE. Every morning the hospice sends my C.N.A. for a bathing and hygiene session. This is routinely a very pleasant experience, especially when I can needle her to wash my hair with a snazzy no-rinse foaming shampoo for bedridden senior citizens. (You have no idea how much I miss taking a shower like normal people!)

MEDICARE RECERTIFICATION. On Wednesday or Thursday we’ll have a visit from a hospice nurse practitioner for my 60-day Medicare recertification. This involves a routine checkup and interview to: 1) document my declining health; and 2) determine whether or not I still fall under Medicare’s guidelines for free hospice home care. The answers are always the same. Yes, my health continues to decline, and yes, I still fall under Medicare’s guidelines for free hospice home care. It’s actually in Medicare’s best interest to keep me confined at home with Sam as my caregiver. This is a lot less expensive than booting me into a nursing home, where it would cost at least $5,000 every month and eventually I’d be miserable enough to start throwing flatware at the maintenance staff. And I’m generally a cheerful person!

Good night, boys and girls. It’s time for me to change gears, eat a snack and watch a movie. Thank you for reading this, and let’s all join hands for a minute and try to remember the Alamo … all at once!

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