Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jesus. I just lost three days of my life.

Hello, everybody, and I hope you’re having a swell and happy Sunday. I’d like to begin tonight’s Howdygram post with a brief health review. Thank you for putting up with me.
  • STILL FIGHTING MY SPRING ALLERGY SYMPTOMS. It’s the middle of summer and I’ve still got my annoying spring allergy symptoms … a runny nose and watery eyes! The problem with my eyes is especially difficult because I can’t read anything on my computer screen. I use FloNase every morning and Ayr Saline Nasal Gel four or five times a day, but what I really need are two teeny windshield wipers.
  • A ”GRAVEYARD” SLEEP SCHEDULE. I honestly don’t know how I got started with this, but for the last several months I’ve been awake all night and asleep all day … just like Sam. Both of us are completely upside-down.
  • THE BURNING BLADDER SPASMS ARE BACK. I’m having four or five strong spasms a day now. They’re wretched, they’re painful and they definitely ruin my life. If the number of spasms increases I’ll have to start taking Tolterodine again. Unfortunately, though, Tolterodine gives me powerful migraines, so I’ll try only taking it for one or two days at a time. It’s a strong anti-spasmodic drug that works instantly (like Imodium), but this time I won’t take it every day and put myself through that blinding headache horror again.
  • MY APPETITE IS SHOT TO HELL. I’m rarely hungry, food doesn’t taste very good, and most of the time I’ve got “swallowing” issues, anyway. Sam tells me I’m getting skinny. I guess I can thank diabetic neuropathy for crap like this.
  • I HATE MY HAIR. I probably don’t need to say too much about this, but … the mop on my head has grown long and annoying again so it might be time to make another haircut appointment with Mr. Sam of Beverly Hills. Mr. Sam probably isn’t the best stylist I’ve ever had, but he’s the cutest (and tallest), the price is right, and he has an unforgettable scissors.
If I can think of anything else for this list I’ll add it later, okay?

This morning Sam announced that Howdygram headquarters needs a new toaster oven. I didn’t know, of course, because I haven’t set foot in my own kitchen for more than five years due to not being able to walk. So I did some diligent online research with Amazon, and Wal-Mart, and settled on an exciting, full-featured Black+Decker appliance from Amazon for $63.64.

It’s an extra-wide — 14½" deep x 22" wide x 11½" high — convection toaster oven broiler with a 60-minute timer and space for eight slices of toast or a 12-inch pizza. Holy crap … EIGHT SLICES OF TOAST OR A WHOLE FROZEN PIZZA! With free same-day delivery!

Unfortunately, that free same-day delivery got a little fucked up. At 5:45 this afternoon I got an email with delivery confirmation along with a small attached photo showing the package on our front doorstep. Trouble is, it wasn’t our doorstep. Wrong house, wrong welcome mat, wrong color bricks! I tried contacting Amazon customer service via their “live chat” feature, but they’ve got a new system that makes you pick and choose your “issue” from a series of irritating drop-down menus that never came remotely close to nailing down my situation.

Therefore I had to fall back on Plan B — a telephone call — which worked quite nicely, and I’m pleased to report that a replacement Black+Decker toaster oven is already on the way for delivery by 6 p.m. tomorrow. All’s well that ends well!

Jesus. I jinxed myself … AND I JUST LOST THREE DAYS OF MY LIFE.

Beginning around 3 a.m. Monday morning I got smacked with another blinding migraine headache, and when Sam woke up a few minutes afterwards I was already so miserable he called the hospice to let them know what was going on. They immediately gave Sam approval to get me started with my migraine “drug cocktail” … Sumatriptan, Xanax, a huge dose of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Zofran for nausea. It didn’t help. So an hour later the hospice sent us an R.N. (Rachel) and an L.V.N. (Nicolette) to evaluate my medical condition and stay with me around-the-clock, which they did. Nicolette, the L.V.N., spent all night here administering drugs* every four hours and giving Sam a chance to go to bed and get some sleep. Nursing duties were shared between Rachel and Martha.

Monitoring my drugs is a very huge deal because several of them, if taken too close together, could be fatal. These include Sumatriptan and Xanax (for migraines) plus Hydrocodone, Trazodone and Amitriptyline. As a matter of fact, at one point yesterday my heart rate was in the 40s … and that’s exactly what we were supposed to avoid. Holy shit!

A new shift of angels showed up at 8 a.m. Tuesday, and Mary Grace (an L.V.N.) spent all day here filling me with pills. After wasting a considerable number of hours moaning, whining, crying, swearing, rocking, squeezing my head and almost puking, the pain finally began to subside, and the last nurse left around 7:30 Tuesday night. At the time I felt well enough to open both eyes at the same time, eat a few bites of food and watch a quiet movie on TV. For instance, NOT The Guns of Navarone (1961) starring Gregory Peck and David Niven. I think I picked Red Dust (1932) starring Mary Astor and Clark Gable with very low volume.

Unfortunately, the migraine returned this morning (Wednesday) at 2 a.m., and so did the moaning, whining, crying, swearing, rocking, squeezing my head and nausea, followed by several hours of searing pain, full-time attention from Sam, more anti-migraine drugs and sleep. Sleep is a blessing from heaven when you have a migraine. It’s nearly 1 p.m. now and I’m feeling better again. Let’s see how long it lasts this time.

One amazing and positive thing that came out of all this … a couple of days ago my first L.V.N., Nicolette, asked why the hell was my noisy oxygen concentrator situated directly behind my hospital bed. It’s actually been parked there for the entire 15 months I’ve had it, rattling, belching, gurgling and driving me crazy. We asked Nicolette what else we could do with it, and she suggested moving it into another room and using extra-long tubing to connect it to my cannula. She actually had the extra tubing in the trunk of her car, brought it inside and helped Sam shlep the concentrator (which is on wheels) into the guest room, resulting in NO MORE CONCENTRATOR NOISES AND GLORIOUS DEAD SILENCE! Why didn’t anybody ever suggest this before?!

I think I need a snack now. So … thank you for reading this, thank you for your support, and thank you for remembering the Alamo tonight so I won’t have to. (Frankly, I’m not in the mood.)

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