Monday, June 10, 2019

I would like to recommend Loma Linda Swiss Stakes with Tasty Tan Gravy in a Can.

Hello, people. Here’s wishing y’all a swell and peaceful Monday! It’s 4:45 p.m., Sam is in the study trying to find a photo on the Internet, and I’ve decided to squeeze in a Howdygram post while I’m still pain-free with no burning bladder spasms and no migraine headache. My project-of-the-week involves some drug experimentation.

I’ve been taking Sumatriptan for my migraine pain but can’t take more than two in a 24-hour period, so the hospice started me on Xanax (one every six hours) with a high-powered prescription-strength dose of Acetaminophen. However, we have to do some advanced math to make sure I don’t overdose on Acetaminophen — no more than 4,000 mg a day — and wind up with liver failure. If I take Hydrocodone I have to wait two hours before I take Xanax and Acetaminophen. Too much of the latter can be fatal. And lest we forget, there are 325 mg of Acetaminophen in every Hydrocodone tablet, too.

I’ll let Sam be in charge of this. Math always makes my hair hurt.

Incidentally, yesterday I stopped taking Tolterodine for my burning bladder spasms in case that’s what’s triggering all these hideous migraines. (Headaches are one of Tolterodine’s side effects.) Stay tuned for more information.

If you’d like to try something that’s completely different, healthy, vegetarian, thoroughly overpriced and mighty flavorful, I would like to recommend LOMA LINDA SWISS STAKES WITH TASTY TAN GRAVY IN A CAN. These 100% imitation beef patties are made with soy, rolled oats, egg whites, corn protein, 37 terrifying chemicals and nonfat dry milk. I ordered a six-pack last week from Wal-Mart for only $34.99, which is about $5.83 per can and actually cheaper than Amazon.

Loma Linda Swiss Stakes are a fabulously peculiar food product — like Vienna sausages, only much worse — and they’re perfect when you want something speedy and easy that tastes “meaty” … but really isn’t. It’s very easy to consume the entire can all by yourself since the ingredients are light and won’t make you feel like you’re ready to explode. (This is an important feature for yours truly because I’m bedridden.) Just nuke the patties on a dinner plate for about a minute, and you can even slide one onto a hamburger bun with a slab of tomato and a few purple onions.

I’m pleased to award Loma Linda Swiss Stakes with our four-chopper rating. It would have earned the Howdygram’s highest accolade (five choppers) if it didn’t look like Alpo.

I’ve got a teeny little gang of freebies for you tonight … several cute hand-made display fonts (“Summer Show,” “Katrin Sketch,” “Black Chickens”), a contemporary monoline script (“Braisetto”) and a comic strip font (“Wallis Comic”). I can’t pick a favorite today, because they’re ALL terrific! Download links will appear after the graphic. Be sure to share them with your friends and relatives … and remember, free fonts are a thoughtful gift for Father’s Day, especially if you can’t afford a cashmere sweater or a new barbecue grill.

There’s a lot I wanted to write about today but I just can’t get motivated. For instance, we had this enormous storm yesterday afternoon — thunder, lightning, torrential rain, hail and 75 m.p.h. straight-line winds — that left most of Dallas and Mesquite with considerable damage to trees and rooftops … plus a widespread power outage. We got lucky here at Howdygram headquarters, though. The power flickered but never went out, and there was no visible damage to our property. Barely five minutes before the storm hit we had a visit from my hospice R.N., and shortly afterwards our social worker stopped by to make sure we had power for my oxygen concentrator.

It’s scary to be a bedridden old coot when powerful weather rolls through here, becauseI can’t get out of bed to hide in a safe place. I’m in a hospital bed in the middle of the family room … surrounded by big windows! All I can do is cross my fingers and eat Otter Pops.

Thank you for reading this. Screw the Alamo.

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