Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sam tried to wake me up Friday morning and almost couldn’t do it.

THURSDAY, 1/24/2019, 10:15 P.M. Wow. I’m definitely sick, y’all. About an hour ago, while I was enjoying this week’s episode of “Top Chef,” I realized I was feeling lousy, achy and hot as an iron … so I took my temperature and WHAMMO, it was 99.6°. And that’s substantial for me, because normal is usually 96°. I FEEL LIKE SHIT RIGHT NOW and my symptoms include all of the following: 1) a raging fever; 2) my hands and feet feel like they’re on fire; 3) the temperature under my boobs is probably 212° and hot enough to fry latkes; 4) muscle aches; 5) “electric shocks” in my thighs and feet from diabetic peripheral neuropathy; 6) a headache; 7) a muscle twinge in my back; and 8) a desperate craving for Pepperidge Farm Coconut Layer Cake, the last of which is pictured below for your possible interest.

FRIDAY, 1/25/2019, 2:34 P.M. By the way, shortly before my hospice C.N.A. showed up this morning for my bathing and hygiene session, Sam tried to wake me up and almost couldn’t do it! He said he shouted my name over and over and over (I didn’t respond) and finally decided to try shoulder-shaking … which finally worked. This was reminiscent of the times he had to call 911 because I was unresponsive with a high fever. There were four instances between fall 2017 and May 2018, and I was hospitalized for all of them … and twice I was even in septic shock by the time I got to the hospital. My immune system, dear readers, is really shot to hell. And a fever is deadly for me.

Know what? It looks like Special Counsel Robert Mueller is finally making his bigger moves! Sam and I cheered Roger Stone’s arrest yesterday morning (we loved the “swat team” video on CNN’s website!) and can’t wait to see who’s next. I’m betting on Trump Junior. And when the indictments get all the way to the top of food chain, I want to be first in line to see Donald Trump dragged out of the White House screaming … IN IRONS!

In case you don’t know very much about Roger Stone, he’s a complete weirdo and a master of “dirty tricks.” He’s EVIL. Stone digs up background dirt on celebrities, politicians and prominent individuals, sells it, and uses it for extortion and blackmail. In the case of the Trump campaign, he was Trump’s contact with Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and Cambridge Analytica, and used the information he gathered to sabotage Hillary Clinton and swing the election illegally for Donald Trump with the help of a foreign government — in this case, Russia — because WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are both glued at the hip to the Kremlin!

SUNDAY, 1/27/2019, 5:26 P.M. Forgive me for not writing anything yesterday or even publishing this as a short post. I’m still under the weather, aching, feverish (off and on), taking a few more pain meds than usual, eating weird things at weird times of the day plus lots of Popsicles, and — believe it or not — those miserable UTI burning spasms have returned with a vengeance. I had a brief respite for about a week, probably due to the “targeted” antibiotic I finally received, but now it looks like I’m back to square one again! Sam and I will discuss other options, if any even exist, tomorrow when my hospice R.N. is here. There are some alternatives I’d be willing to try, but others would be nonstarters. Stay tuned for additional information, okay?

Thank you for reading this. I think it’s time now for a few episodes of “Bar Rescue.” I’m still binge-watching!

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