Monday, January 14, 2019

Classic Donald Trump: “The buck stops with everybody.”

Happy Sunday night from Howdygram headquarters. As I write this post I’m stretched out on my hospital bed in the family room and Sam is nearby, napping on the sofa. He looks incredibly comfortable. And we don’t give a shit that it’s winter.

This might be a fine time to fill you in on some upcoming activities this week, just in case you thought I never did anything exciting as a bedridden senior citizen who can’t even stand up any more. Here you go …

MONDAY, 1/14. I’ve got a BATHING AND HYGIENE SESSION at 10:30 a.m. with Leticia, my hospice C.N.A., plus a concurrent ROUTINE CHECKUP with my R.N. and hospice case manager, Stella. This also includes application of an antiseptic and barrier cream on the back of my thighs to prevent any additional pressure sores and other disgusting skin conditions. In addition, we’re expecting AN IMPORTANT CALL FROM THE HOSPICE ADMINISTRATOR with final results from the urine culture and sensitivity test that was sent to the lab seven days ago. (If this UTI bullshit doesn’t get wrapped up tomorrow I might have a brain hemorrhage.) And Monday is also ”FREEBIE DAY” with Creative Market, where they give away six mostly-excellent products to graphic designers (like yours truly) who subscribe to their promotional emails and blog. I usually snag at least two or three of their freebies every week.

TUESDAY, 1/15. Time to catch up on my ”BAR RESCUE” RERUNS. I’ve been binge-watching for the last week and a half and still have about 17 episodes stored on our DVR … with at least 35 more scheduled to record this week. Woo-hoo! A Jon Taffer overload!

WEDNESDAY, 1/16. Today it’s a mid-week BATHING AND HYGIENE SESSION with Leticia and another ROUTINE CHECKUP with Stella. And it’s time to order another HYDROCODONE REFILL. By the way, the hospice recently decided that I need some additional medical attention, so they’ve asked Stella to come over three times a week instead of just on Mondays. I guess I’m okay with that.

THURSDAY, 1/17. Nada, nothing whatsoever … not counting another ”BAR RESCUE” binge and maybe an opportunity to design some adorable new mugs for The Howdygram Store. I’ve been busy creating lots of products!

FRIDAY, 1/18. It’s another BATHING AND HYGIENE SESSION and another ROUTINE CHECKUP, the same as Monday and Wednesday. (Oh boy.)

Don’t laugh, but I only have one measly little FREE FONT for you tonight. It’s called “Go Bear,” a playful display font with comic-strip style lettering and some interesting letterforms, depending on whether or not you capitalize the letters. Click here to download “Go Bear” … and then tell your friends!

I’ll leave you now with a list of outrageous statements made by Donald Trump, excerpted from a recent interview with a major news publication. You’d better sit down and fasten your seat belts for this one. (The comments in italics are mine.)
  1. So we’re going to Texas. We’re going to the border. Just spoke to some of my friends in Arizona. We have tremendous support. Do these two thoughts really go together? And what the fuck does any of this even mean?
  2. For instance, this morning a number of people came out and said, “You do need very strong border security, and that includes a wall or whatever it is.” A number of Democrats said that, but people don’t like to report on it. Personally, I’ve seen no public evidence that Democrats came out on Thursday morning and said “we need a wall or whatever it is.” And I looked.
  3. We have tremendous unity in the Republican Party. It’s really a beautiful thing to see. I don’t think there’ll be any breakaway, because they know we need border security and we have to have it. From The New York Times on Friday: “Though Senate Republicans had not yet reached a breaking point, Senator Pat Roberts believes they’re getting pretty close.”
  4. I’m a professional at technology. Seriously? What exactly does professional technology entail, Comrade Comb-Over?
  5. When during the campaign I would say, “Mexico’s going to pay for it,” obviously I never said this and I never meant they’re going to write out a check. This is a clear-as-day attempt to rewrite history. Trump has repeatedly said that Mexico would make a distinct $5 billion or $10 billion payment to the United States for the wall. And when he asked crowds at his rallies in 2016 who was going to pay for the wall, they screamed back, “Mexico!” … not “Profits skimmed from a restructured international trade deal.” Come on.
  6. So Mexico is paying for the wall indirectly. No. They’re really NOT.
  7. And I find China, frankly, in many ways, to be far more honorable than Cryin’ Chuck and Nancy. I really do. China has a long record of human rights abuses, manipulates currency and is no friend to the United States. Is China really more honorable in Trump’s estimation than the top-ranking elected officials of the opposition party in the United States? This shit is ridiculous already.
  8. I have the absolute right to declare a national emergency. This is a window into how Trump thinks about himself. An “absolute right” for an absolute ruler.
  9. I haven’t done it yet. I may do it. If this doesn’t work out, probably I will do it ... I would almost say definitely. Classic Trumpism here. I haven’t done it. I might do it. I am going to do it. WHAT?!
  10. If we don’t make a deal … I mean, I would say a hundred percent, but I don’t want to say a hundred percent, because maybe something else comes up. There is a 100% chance Trump will declare a national emergency on the border if Congress can’t come up with a deal to get him his border wall money and re-open the government. Unless something happens. Then there might not be a 100% chance. Did I get it right?
  11. I don’t know if they know how to make a deal. I don’t know if YOU know how to make a deal! Maybe slamming your hand on the table and storming out of the room when you don’t get exactly what you want isn’t the best way to go about it, Cheetoh Face!
  12. And by the way, NBC may be the most dishonest reporters of all time. Quietly updates list of most dishonest reporters of all time.
  13. The buck stops with everybody. It’s the epitome of Trump’s presidential leadership … THE BUCK STOPS WITH EVERYBODY! (Remember, Trump never accepts the blame for ANYTHING … most especially for things that are his fault!)

You’re a terrific bunch of Monday morning blog readers. Thank you for showing up today and thank you for trying to remember the Alamo now and then. Seriously!

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