Tuesday, December 24, 2019

I’m having those burning bladder spasms again, every time I pee.

Good morning. It’s Monday, 4:28 a.m., and I just finished (at last!) taking all of my bedtime medications. Sometimes I can really get off-schedule. I take a million prescriptions every day, and unless I’m completely prepared to swallow a large volume of pills I tend to put it off. (Like right now, for instance.)

I watched three excellent movies last night!
  • GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (1933) with Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Joan Blondell
  • FOOTLIGHT PARADE (1934) with James Cagney, Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler
  • GOING MY WAY (1944) with Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald

Of these three, Going My Way is definitely my favorite … a terrific story and a sweet, heart-wrenching final scene that makes me cry every time I see it. I love love LOVE this movie! And I also love the sequel, The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945) with Bing Crosby (reprising his role as Father Chuck O’Malley) and Ingrid Bergman. I recorded The Bells of St. Mary’s yesterday so Sam and I can watch it later today after my hospice C.N.A. is finished with my bath and hygiene session.

Holy shit. My day was totally fucked-up! Shortly after I wrote that last paragraph around 5:15 a.m. I conked out … FOR 14 HOURS! I missed breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I also missed daylight, because it was dark when I fell asleep and dark when I finally woke up. I’m honestly surprised that Sam doesn’t freak out when this happens to me … because I do! And I had to miss my morning bath and hygiene session, but not for the obvious reason (me being unconscious) … Leticia called to cancel because her son got sick and she had to take him to the emergency room.

Therefore I just a swallowed an entire day’s medications back-to-back, and now I’m trying to decide when would be a good time to wake Sam (he’s napping on the sofa) to make me some food. I don’t want anything too elaborate … maybe just a chocolate meal replacement shake for elderly diabetics and a little bowl of applesauce with a dash of cinnamon. Or I might ask for cottage cheese with canned fruit on top. Any of these would be enough to give me a shot of nutrition, and they’re all easy to swallow and digest. I have lots of problems sometimes with basic digestion! I can’t swallow, food gets caught in my throat, and so on. Blecch.

Mind if I do a little additional whining? First, my KNEES AND ANKLES are killing me, and I can barely move them at all … not even an inch. I’ve been taking a little extra Hydrocodone tonight to deal with the pain. I figure it like this: I miss my regular doses when I’m asleep, so I don’t mind taking extra when I’m awake!

Second, I’m also having those BURNING BLADDER SPASMS again, every time I pee. They’re horrible. I’m almost at my breaking point and might have to resort to taking Tolterodine again, which is an anti-spasmodic drug that causes severe migraines as a side effect. Thank God I discovered a “trick.” I can take Tolterodine two or three days in a row and then stop … which is just enough to kill the bladder spasms for a while but not enough to trigger any headaches! Woo-hoo! I’ll ask Sam for a Tolterodine when he wakes up. The pain is absolutely exhausting.

We’ve got something new going on here tomorrow! The hospice hooked us up with a “senior sitter” named Brooke so Sam can get out of the house for three or four hours every week and know that somebody’s looking after me. Apparently Brooke is a student social worker who needs a certain number of hours as a volunteer. She’ll get here at noon and can sit quietly and read or do homework, and I’ll work on a Howdygram post or design a few new greeting cards for The Howdygram Store. Sam’s junket tomorrow will be the arboretum in Dallas on the eastern shore of White Rock Lake, where he’ll spend a couple of hours walking around and then treat himself to lunch on the way home. The following map denotes: A) Howdygram headquarters in Mesquite; and B) the Dallas Arboretum.

Next time Brooke is here I might pester Sam to stop at Trader Joe’s, which was always our favorite grocery store when we lived in California! There are five or six Trader Joe’s in the Dallas metro area but none of them are very convenient to where we live. Now that Sam will have a little more freedom, though, maybe he can add Trader Joe’s to his to-do list once or twice a month.

I’d like to wrap up today’s Howdygram post with a thoroughly psychotic quote by none other than our embarrassing Dotard-in-Chief, Donald Trump, from a speech delivered on Sunday at Mar-a-Lago. This is so outrageously stupid he’d get an “F” if he tried to pass it off as a third grade science report!

Thank you for reading this. It’s really been swell, hasn’t it?

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