Sunday, April 3, 2016

Our DVD of “The Ten Commandments” died last night halfway into the second plague.

I’m pleased to report that today has been monumentally better than yesterday, kvetch-wise, after many hours of solid sleep overnight on the chaise in the family room — God bless that chair! — and several rounds of my favorite prescription painkiller. (Please click here if you need additional details or just scroll back to yesterday’s Howdygram post.) And there’s MORE good news, too! Yes, I’m still having miserable skin issues on the back of my thighs, but this happens so often now (i.e., every fucking day) that I’m actually used to it, and I’ve got a pile of tasty leftovers from King China waiting for me in the kitchen! This includes Jalapeño Shrimp, Szechwan Eggplant and a nice container of rice. Does life ever get better than this?

Apparently Donald Trump’s ignorance of world affairs is like a never-ending bout of diarrhea. A few days ago during a rambling speech at a rally in Wisconsin, he said that if conflict between Japan and nuclear-armed North Korea were to break out, “it would be a terrible thing, but if they do, they do. Good luck. Enjoy yourself, folks.”
And then referring to North Korea’s child dictator Kim Jong-Un, Trump whined that the U.S. had 28,000 troops on the armistice line between North Korea and South Korea “to stop a maniac.” He added: “What do we get out of it? It’s time that other people stopped looking at us as stupid, stupid people.”

Stupid people? Trump, a “yooge” and certified ignoramus, is completely unaware that U.S. troops are deployed in South Korea to support the United Nations, which enforces the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953.

And if that’s not scary enough, while President Obama held a multi-nation nuclear security summit in Washington last week Pyongyang carried out ballistic missile tests and then released a propaganda film showing the U.S. capitol under nuclear attack. But according to Donald Trump, “Frankly, the case could be made to let Japan protect themselves against North Korea. They’d probably wipe them out pretty quick.”

Japan has had no army since the end of World War II and their constitution prohibits one. I guess the Republican front-runner didn’t know THIS, either ... and it sure sounds like he’s trying awfully hard to throw Japan to the wolves! I guess the Japanese must have been “unfair” to him about something.

Therefore, on behalf of Japan, South Korea and the entire planet ...

It’s 8:15 Sunday night, and I just ordered a new DVD set of The Ten Commandments (1956) starring Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner because our old DVD dropped dead last night halfway into the second plague. This is a film classic that every family should own, and the Howdygram recommends one annual viewing in preparation for Passover.
Thank you for reading this.

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