Saturday, November 28, 2015

Holy shit. Gino’s East pizza!

I wasn’t really planning to write another middle-of-the-night Howdygram post but my joints are killing me, I’m totally wide awake and there’s nothing else to do ... so what the hell, it’s your lucky day!

Hey ... I just made a slightly-belated Black Friday purchase from Amazon! I bought the following exciting new supplies for Rootin’-Tootin’ Sam’s Wild West Toenail Clinic: 1) a tube of specialty cream so Sam won’t have to rupture his spine trying to cut my shitty rock-hard diabetic toenails; and 2) a real medical implement to make him look and feel like a genuine podiatrist. He might need an official HAT, too. Hats are good.
In case you’re wondering, Sam and I developed this toenail clinic hoo-hah because it’s a huge pain in the ass to go to the podiatrist. His office doesn’t accommodate an attractive senior citizen — such as yours truly — in a bariatric wheelchair, I’m too unsteady to just show up with a cane, and it’s no fun whatsoever shlepping my body in and out of the car. Just ask Sam. (Thank you for not laughing.)

More precipitation news from north Texas, where we’ve had almost 5½ inches of rain since Thursday afternoon, bringing our record-breaking total to 11¼ inches for the month of November — so far — because it’s still raining and we’re still expecting another two or three inches by tomorrow night. While I’m pretty sure you don’t give a crap about any of this, tonight’s overnight temperature will drop to 34°, which puts us perilously close to an ICE STORM with FROZEN STREETS and FROZEN SIDEWALKS and PROBABLY NO CHINESE FOOD DELIVERY! Oy.

The red star on the following map from indicates Howdygram headquarters. (If you zoom in and squint you can see me waving.)

The time at the tone will be 10:55 a.m. Beep! Sam is downtown at the office returning his laptop (he worked from home yesterday) and then he’s picking up lunch from Gino’s East, the iconic deep-dish pizza restaurant from Chicago that expanded to seven locations in Texas a couple of years ago. In my case, though, I haven’t had a Gino’s pizza since the mid-1980s when we stood in below-freezing temperatures on Superior Street waiting 45 minutes to get in.

Take a look at the following picture. If you don’t think this is worth an occasional case of frostbite, you’re nuts!
For your possible interest this map of unforgettable Dallas landmarks includes: A) Howdygram headquarters in Mesquite; B) Sam’s office; C) Gino’s East Pizzeria; and D) George Dubya Bush’s house in the snooty Preston Hollow neighborhood. I’ll bet he’s home painting a cantaloupe portrait today!

I want to grab a fork, fill an insulin syringe and wait for Sam to come home now. Holy shit. Gino’s East pizza!

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