Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A big Wal-Mart order, a visit from my HouseCalls medical team and our brand new feature, Let’s Learn Yiddish!

The stock market finally had an “up” day today — thank God! — so I’m feeling cheerful enough to suck* on an Atkins energy bar and write a quick Howdygram post. I’ll break the good financial news to Sam when he’s through with his afternoon nap.

*I’m still recovering from seven tooth extractions. Sucking on things is the best I can hope for right now.

As promised …

Our very first Yiddish vocabulary word is alte kocker, which translates into English as old fart. This technically isn’t an acceptable phrase to say to anybody, but you should especially avoid repeating it in front of your grandmother if you don’t want to get whacked in the head with a sack of frozen bagels.

Here’s what’s happening this week at Howdygram headquarters!

EXPECTING MY BEAUTIFUL NEW PROGRESSIVE BIFOCALS. I ordered two identical pair from the Mobile Vision optometrist a couple of weeks ago and they’re supposed to arrive this week via U.S. mail. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! I haven’t had new glasses in about six years and I’ve been desperately overdue for a new prescription. Stay tuned.

WAITING FOR A HUGE WAL-MART ORDER. This one includes all kinds of pantry essentials (see below) plus a thrilling product I’ve never tried before … Zatarain’s Jambalaya rice in a microwave pouch. A million years ago, when I could still stand up and cook things, I used to make Zatarain’s Jambalaya rice mix in a saucepan on top of the stove. I’m awfully happy to find this product in a convenient microwave pouch! Yee-haw!
MY BAYLOR HOUSECALLS TEAM WILL BE HERE ON FRIDAY. Yes, friends, it’s time once again for another INR blood test! We have to make sure my blood clotting speed is back to an acceptable level after I had to discontinue my blood thinner prescription (Coumadin) to have seven teeth pulled last week. Oy. It’s always something, isn’t it?

I need to head into the family room now because it’s after 5 p.m. and I’m way overdue for a William Powell movie. Thank you for reading this.

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